Due to the Corona virus outbreak the feds have decided to lift hours of service regulations nationally for commercial drivers. This is a response to the president declaring a national emergency. This means if you are working for or are in direct assistance of the covid-19 relief efforts, you can drive as long as you need to. Of course you'll have to exercise good judgement and take some breaks along the way. If you go over your hours for sure, you will be required to take a 10 hour break after you make your delivery. Not everyone is exempt though.
For the most part your freight or haul has to be in support of helping this crisis. Medical supplies, disinfection supplies, sanitary supplies, medical equipment and including support staff for anything related to helping the effort will be part of the parameters for exemption. The feds even included emergency stock resupply for food and other supplies.

So what does this mean for truckers?
You gonna get paid son! At least that's the goal right? More money in your pocket if you are an owner operator. Maybe more overtime if you run for a medical supplier or a grocery store chain. Wait there is a date though. They capped it till April 12, 2020 or when the termination of the declared emergency is over. This is good for some and maybe not so much for others. This regulation suspension should not be taken advantage of by shippers and carriers especially if they are going to purposely run you ragged. That being said, speak up if you can't take the run. If you are to tired or already overspent, don't do it. Driver fatigue is no joke.
You don't want to see the black dog out there on the road! Coffee required.
Calling all super truckers! Lets kill us some corona virus!
Listen to the podcast for more info.
Here is the source link if you don't believe me. Drive safe. https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/emergency/emergency-declaration-under-49-cfr-ss-39023-no-2020-002